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January Director Notes

January Director Notes

Impacting Local Community Health
By: Terri Schmitt PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, FAANP
Executive Director, NPACE

When I think of U.S. healthcare there is a wave of mixed emotions; sadness, frustration, anger, disbelief, helplessness, and futility. Every shift I work, every time I read a pharmacy benefits document, hear another patient’s story, or each patient’s protest at getting lab, a screening, declining to be seen urgently because of true fear of cost, my emotions surge. If healthcare brings such emotion to me, I can only imagine how patients feel.  

However, I am hopeful for 2024. Insulin by all major companies is no more than $35 a vial with coupons and most major insurers have lowered insulin prices. New telehealth options are changing access and affordability. More providers are embracing new ways to improve access and cost within their practices. 

Last year, NPACE began working on impacting local health by supporting non-profits in the communities we go to that are improving healthcare access and community health. We are immensely proud of this initiative. In this work we highlight each local non-profit at our live events, spreading the word about how patients and providers can access and support these organizations. Then we impact their work financially by raffling off a free conference seat. NPACE has partnered with two fantastic non-profits that improve local community health, chosen based on the wonderful work they provided for the community and our conference locations. Read on to find out more about each of these organizations below:

Heads Up Guidance Services Savannah (H.U.G.S.) – Heads-Up Guidance Services is a non-profit organization who offers professional behavioral health counseling and addiction recovery services to all in the local area. Their services are made possible by community donations and dedicated volunteers. Counselors all volunteer their time and expertise to make counseling affordable. HUGS is bridging the gap in health services and filling a critical need at no expense to their community, but rather to the benefit of local employers and the Savannah community at large. They also work with clinical placement for psychiatric mental health NP students in the area.

The Boys and Girls Club of in Massachusetts Metro South – Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro south works in multi-disciplinary youth development in almost 50 different communities in Massachusetts, working in time out of school to enhance mental health, social and physical development, and healthy habits among youth. Some of the innovative programs they have include indoor gardening and feeding programs and work with youth on staying mentally healthy and strong through programs and activities.

NPACE is excited to continue to work with these amazing non-profits that benefit the community. We will continue to strive for a stronger and united community as we work through these tough times.


Terri Schmitt PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, FAANP,
Executive Director, NPACE

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